
Quality Giving Management

Quality Giving Management´s history started close to 10 years ago back in Oslo Norway.

The idea to create a media came as a result of the experience the former police lieutenant and the creator of Inspiring Kindness did after he witnesses how people cared for each other after a tragic incident that Shook Norway back in July 2011. Since then the media has been through many stages of development and testing until its final solution presented in the video you may have watched or you can watch it in this link.

During all these years, the development has followed the creator’s path where he due to a consultant assignment, ended up in the USA in 2013. Many contributors and partners have been in and out of the development process, but even if the progress never was considered to be wrong, the challenge of making it into a sustainable effectful tool and a media, did first come together when the Covid-19 situation appeared, forcing the development of the platform into an online structure.

As seen in the video, some of the media over years faithful supporters such as Jennifer Cullenbine in Family Giving Tree and Darrell Cortez in Shop With A Cop, have, by their support, been an important confirmation of the media and system's tremendous potential. The last year development of the Quality Giving Retail Hub, combined with crystallizing of the important pay-it-forward’s methodology, has also clarified the media´s and system´s strong sustainability with a solid potential for exponential growth.

There are many great speeches of changing the world for the better, however the only thing that will make it happen, is when we put the words into action. Any good change will always start with an act of kindness and as we all know, when it's possible to put any acts of kindness into a ripple effect with no logical end, the changes will have the same effect - no logical end.


Even though all contributions in the development have been of a non-committing character, some of the partners have in a significant way helped move the development in the right direction.

Especially, as noticed from the video, is Family Giving Tree and their CEO Jennifer Cullenbine but also Shop With A Cop and their executive director Darrell Cortez. Also to mention is Life Vest Inside with its CEO Orly Whaba, NY and their COO Jason Hattrick in Vancouver, WH, that succeeded in 2017 to complete off a campaign in collaboration with Clark County Sheriff Office. However, as earlier mentioned, at that time, the platform still did not comply with financial sustainability requirements and therefore had to be further developed. Other contributors to mention, is Jan Eric Nordmo, that with his business, Off the Wall Soccer, made it possible to test out rewarding for fair play. Another organization to mention has been Midtown Family service with its director Martin Estrada, that in real time made it possible to experience what it means to help unprivileged children.

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Building a team

The final team behind Quality Giving Management Inc was established in 2020. The team is basically built through a network of people with different kinds of background but common for all, with long and wide profession and work experience. This type of team has proven to fit the development of what must consider fitting its innovative purpose. To build innovative businesses as most of the members have experiences from, requires the need for a continuing reviewing of the needs. Currently QGM is looking for an upgrading of its team, as it’s going from over years’ test and development phase and to an operational phase. However, its highly automated solution will be able to handle a significant volume, but with a limited workforce and where needed services can be outsourced. To utilize the media’s unique structure designed to create a deliberated effect, QGM has started to engage people with different kinds of background to an advisory board. Here are some team members:

Our Team